Visual global agricultural data in less time than a raindrop takes to fall to earth.

Posted on 24 Jan 2022
Since the dawn of farming over 12,000 years ago, the field of agricultural technology has rarely lain fallow. The development of bone, stone, bronze and iron tools, the open-field system, and the seed drill. Over time, horses were replaced by steam powered engines, tractors increased in size, and harvesting became automated. Pests were controlled, crops rotated, and yields increased massively. The size of farms grew, with the largest now being in Mudanjiang City, China reaching over 22million acres (the entire UK is 59million).
Today, agricultural technology has quite literally left our planet. Zero-gravity seed experiments are even being carried out on the International Space Station.
Living in the data age, our ability to access vital agricultural information is now literally at our fingertips.
The power of nuanced historic and forecast data is as crucial to agriculture as any other industry. To address this, OpenWeather has created a visual and detailed Agro Dashboard that gives a unique view of a wide range of agricultural metrics. The power of satellite telemetry and machine learning have been harnessed to provide insights into crop, soil, and weather conditions, anywhere on our planet where agriculture is possible.
The OpenWeather agricultural Dashboard is a visual service that is available to all subscriptions.
It provides:
Advanced crop recognition; based on machine learning algorithms and satellite imagery, our dashboard can identify field contours, crop types and the maximum and minimum levels of the NDVI index.
Vegetation Indices; values such NDVI, EVI, DSWI, NDWI, NRI, etc. give detailed information about the quality of crops and fields, help you identify anomalies and make informed plans.
Weather data; detailed information including historic, current, and forecast weather with both hourly and daily granulation, alerts and soil data.
Here is a more detailed look at the data available from the OpenWeather Agricultural Dashboard:
Crop recognition data available for 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 years.
Name of the crop for the chosen field.
Max and min level of the NDVI index for the chosen field.
Coverage: the USA and Europe (can be extendable by request).
Satellite imagery archive (with NDVI, EVI, DSWI, NDWI, NRI, True and False colour layers).
Historical NDVI chart.
Satellite imagery layers and vegetation indices statistics.
Current weather data.
Possible severe weather alerts.
Сurrent soil data (temperature and moisture).
Hourly forecast for 2 days.
Daily forecast for 8 days.
Historical weather data chart.
Historical soil data chart.
Accumulated temperature and precipitation chart.
The no-code OpenWeather agricultural dashboard can be invaluable for a number of uses.
As the dashboard is based on our extensive set of agricultural APIs, developers of a wide variety of systems, apps and projects can gain an instant and visual representation of the data that is returned by these APIs, helping them evaluate, test, and improve their own services.
Farmers can instantly leverage the detailed historic and forecast weather and soil data provided by the visual dashboard to plan, manage and mitigate against weather related risks to their crops throughout the year.
The Insurance and financial sectors can instantly find out the relative health of any particular crop using the detailed historic NDVI values provided by the dashboard, helping them gain detailed and valuable information for their own decision making.
Agricultural organisations can gain access to the type of crops in any particular location, anywhere in the world using the advanced crop recognition display provided by the OpenWeather agricultural dashboard.
Starting to use the OpenWeather agricultural dashboard cannot be easier:
1. Create an account
Create your account by signing up with your email. If you are already registered for Agro API, there is no need to create a separate account and you can use your current login and password to sign in.
2. Create a polygon
After logging on, you will be brought to the start page of the Dashboard. This is where you can view and create your polygons. There will be an example polygon to get you started, which you can delete at any time.
To create your own polygon simply click the "Create polygon" button on the current page or click on the "New polygon" left menu item.
You will now be able to create your own polygon. Polygons can be found on the map with already recognized boundaries and edited if needed.
Finally, fill in the "Polygon name" field and click the "Create" button to save your polygon.
Documentation with detailed instructions on how to operate with your polygons can be found here.
Please note that your access to certain sections of the Dashboard, along with access to certain levels of historical weather and other data will depend on your subscription level. More information on pricing can be found here.
Technology has come a long way since we first started to till the earth with the most basic of stone tools. The OpenWeather agricultural dashboard gives us access to global agricultural data in less time than a raindrop takes to fall to earth.