
Meteorological Service

Dan Hart Speak to the Chief
Meteorologist Dan Hart and
his team!

We have integrated time zones into our weather API products!

We have integrated time zones into our weather API products!

Posted on 23 Sep 2019

Dear customers and readers!

The OpenWeather team is pleased to inform you that we have successfully integrated time zones into our weather API products.
Due to the newest update of our main products, the ‘timezone’ field has now appeared in API responses, containing a shift in seconds from UTC.

These have been added into our main Weather APIs: Current weather5-day/3-hourly forecast16-day/daily forecast and into our new product – 4-day/hourly forecast.

Examples of Current weather API response with "timezone" field:

 "coord": {
   "lon": -0.13,
   "lat": 51.51
 "weather": [
     "id": 800,
     "main": "Clear",
     "description": "clear sky",
     "icon": "01d"
 "base": "stations",
 "main": {
   "temp": 293.04,
   "pressure": 1031,
   "humidity": 49,
   "temp_min": 290.93,
   "temp_max": 295.37
 "visibility": 10000,
 "wind": {
   "speed": 2.1,
   "deg": 120
 "clouds": {
   "all": 0
 "dt": 1568899658,
 "sys": {
   "type": 1,
   "id": 1414,
   "message": 0.0099,
   "country": "GB",
   "sunrise": 1568871670,
   "sunset": 1568916474

"timezone": 3600,

"id": 2643743, "name": "London", "cod": 200 }    

We are looking forward to your feedback and ideas at info@openweathermap.org
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