
Meteorological Service

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Solar Irradiance API

Product features

Retrieve daily aggregation with 15 minutes and 1 hour breakdown of current, forecast and history solar irradiance data for any location on the globe. DHI, GHI and DNI are available for both clear and cloudy sky models.



5 km





Data step

15 minutes & 1 hour


Current & Forecasts

Solar irradiance current, plus 15 days ahead forecast data

Historical data

Historical solar irradiance data is available for 46+ years (from 1st January 1979)

Data structure

Data contains daily aggregation for each requested day with 1 hour and 15 minutes detalization steps


Read more about the technologies behind the Solar Irradiance API

We also provide solar irradiance data via bulk downloading as well as wide range of weather data, such as temperature, wind, humidity, etc. Please consider our Current & Forecast and Historical data collections.

Use case

Make your own energy prediction based on our data

Use this service to understand how much energy will reach the Earth surface (cloudy sky and clear sky). To leverage our advanced solar energy system, simply provide the exact coordinates of your solar battery location and the date of interest (future, current or past). Our system will then utilize this information to calculate highly accurate solar irradiance data (GHI, DHI, DNI) for both clear and cloudy sky models. This data is critical for optimizing the performance of your solar energy system and ensuring maximum efficiency. Based on this data you can make your own predictions for energy generation from your PVs.

View tech documentation

How to start?

  1. Sign up to our service if you haven't got OpenWeather API key yet.

  2. Please contact us to subscribe to the Solar Irradiance API. Pay attention that Solar Irradiance API is included in the separate subscription only and allows you to pay only for the number of API calls made to this product.

  3. That's it! Just make an API call according to the product tech documentation remembering to add your key to each call.

Pay as you call

There are no limits on the number of API calls, users pay for a subscription according to the actual use of the product.

per API call

Any location | No API call limits | Pay-as-you-call

Contact us to subscribe

For large-scale projects, we provide a variety of custom packages. Please get in touch with us with your requirements to learn more.

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