
Meteorological Service

Dan Hart Speak to the Chief
Meteorologist Dan Hart and
his team!
New OpenWeather Dashboard: Your Comprehensive Weather Solution

New OpenWeather Dashboard: Your Comprehensive Weather Solution

We're excited to announce the launch of the OpenWeather Dashboard, a powerful tool designed to provide you with real-time weather data, forecasts, and expert insights from our experienced meteorologists, all in one place.

The El Niño Effect

The El Niño Effect

We have discussed the effects and implications of global warming in our previous articles. Part of the effect of increased global temperature is to exacerbate any existing natural weather patterns. One such weather system that is developing an increasing infamy is known as El Niño.

Insuring Any Kind of Weather

Insuring Any Kind of Weather

“The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining.” – John F. Kennedy

The extreme weather conditions that are starting to be seen as the norm have produced increasingly high payouts from the world’s insurance companies. In the first half of 2021 alone, an estimated £65bn of insurance claims were settled as a result of global weather disasters.

OpenWeather One Call API 3.0: Introducing Human-Readable Weather Summaries

OpenWeather One Call API 3.0: Introducing Human-Readable Weather Summaries

Get a clear and accurate description of today's weather and tomorrow's forecast in plain language, perfect for displaying in your apps or sharing with users.

Harnessing the Power of Weather Data in complex industrial systems

Harnessing the Power of Weather Data in complex industrial systems

SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems are now an essential element for managing and monitoring large-scale industrial processes, and often form the backbone of critical infrastructure and industrial processes. These systems provide user-friendly screens, giving operators a complete overview of their system, allowing them to remotely control equipment, change settings, and react quickly to any issues.

Introducing The OpenWeather Meteorological Service

Introducing The OpenWeather Meteorological Service

We are excited to introduce our individual Meteorological Service led by Mr. Dan Hart, Chief Meteorologist, who provides you with industry-specific reports and advice. He brings over 25 years of experience in the field of meteorology starting his career in 1995 with the UK Royal Navy. He has great expertise in Construction (high-rise projects and major infrastructure projects like dams and airports), Energy (demand forecasting, renewable energy), Film Production (location choice and scheduling, set safety), Marine (offshore construction and pipe laying, port operations), Logistics (transportation, demand forecasting), and many others.

Earth Day 2024

Earth Day 2024

Earth Day is a global annual event celebrated each 22nd April, dedicated to bringing attention to environmental issues and inspiring everyone to take action to protect our planet. It promotes change, reminding us of the importance of sustainability and conservation. The first Earth Day took place in 1970 and is often seen as the birth of the modern environmental movement. Now, over 1 billion people in 193 countries participate in Earth Day activities.

When Chemistry Meets Weather

When Chemistry Meets Weather

Chemical facilities are an essential part of the global manufacturing landscape, creating the raw materials crucial to our daily lives. However, they also carry inherent risks. Accidental chemical releases can have devastating consequences for workers, surrounding communities, and the environment.

The Land of Ice and Heat

The Land of Ice and Heat

Located between the Greenland Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean lies a captivating nation that is world renowned for its breathtaking landscapes, glaciers, volcanoes, geysers, and waterfalls. A land that is constantly being shaped by the forces of nature, with new geographic features emerging almost on a daily basis.

A Flowering Industry

A Flowering Industry

Flowers may well be some of the most poetic and romanticized of plants, attracting artists throughout human history to capture their inane beauty and variety. However, today they are also among the most traded and financially viable of agricultural commodities.

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