
Meteorological Service

Dan Hart Speak to the Chief
Meteorologist Dan Hart and
his team!
Can the weather actually smile?

Can the weather actually smile?

This may seem a rather bizarre question. The ability for the weather to change our moods is well known. Some individuals prefer warm and sunny weather, and there are those individuals known as pluviophiles, who can find comfort, peace and joy...

The Weather of Wimbledon

The Weather of Wimbledon

“The mark of great sportsmen is not how good they are at their best, but how good they are at their worst.” - Martina Navratilova

Once a year, in an otherwise unknown and somewhat sleepy...

Helping Save The Tiger

Helping Save The Tiger

The Wild Tiger is one of the world’s most enigmatic, evocative and unfortunately, most endangered of the world’s species. The effects of global warming and changing ecosystems have made survival increasingly difficult for this beautiful anima...

The weather at zero degrees

The weather at zero degrees

When temperatures drop to zero degrees, water takes on a seemingly mystical transition from its liquid to solid state. This solid has shaped and molded our planet and our lives, has created devastation, wrecked ships, inspired explorers and p...

Poles Apart

Poles Apart

Some of the most spectacular and beautiful, yet dangerous and inhospitable regions of our planet lie at its extremes - the North and South Poles. The lowest temperature ever officially recorded on the Earth’s surface was −89.2°C at ...

The Travel of Spring

The Travel of Spring

The arrival of Spring, seen by many around the world as a time for hope, spans many areas of our lives. From weather and farming, to planning holidays, and starting those New Year plans and ideas, spring is a global phenomenon that ...

The Land of Ice and Heat

The Land of Ice and Heat

Located between the Greenland Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean lies a captivating nation that is world renowned for its breathtaking landscapes, glaciers, volcanoes, geysers, and waterfalls. A land that is constantly being shaped by the force...

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