
Meteorological Service

Dan Hart Speak to the Chief
Meteorologist Dan Hart and
his team!
Loading locations as a CSV file via refined Marketplace

Loading locations as a CSV file via refined Marketplace

Getting historical weather data for a large number of locations at once

Historical weather data is now available for free in One Call API

Historical weather data is now available for free in One Call API

Today we have added historical weather data to our One Call API. Apart from current and forecasted data, now you can also request historical weather data for 5 previous days.

How to migrate from Dark Sky API to OpenWeather One Call API

How to migrate from Dark Sky API to OpenWeather One Call API

OpenWeather offers a great solution to users who have been affected by the closure of the Dark Sky API.

Introducing One Call API

Introducing One Call API

We're proud to officially announce the launch of One Call API. This powerful and affordable weather service allows you to retrieve current, historical, and forecasted weather data in just one request, making it the ideal integration for a wide range of use cases.



During these unprecedented times we want to contribute and help companies that analyse data corresponding to research to help find a cure towards the battle of Covid-19. We want to provide you with free access to historical weather data to help support the fight at completely no cost to yourselves.  

New feature in Bulk Downloading: Now you can get bulk files for the previous seven  days

New feature in Bulk Downloading: Now you can get bulk files for the previous seven days

We have added new functionality to Bulk Downloading. The main idea of this product is to allow you to regularly download batches of current weather and forecast data for more than 200,000 locations at once via a JSON file.

Import OpenWeatherMap Data to Google Sheets

Import OpenWeatherMap Data to Google Sheets

We are often asked how to import weather data from the OpenWeatherMap API directly into Google Sheets. To help you with this, we would like to refer you to the detailed guide “Import OpenWeatherMap Data to Google Sheets”, written by Mixed Analytics.

Discover NDVI and its practical uses in agriculture

Discover NDVI and its practical uses in agriculture

Quite often we receive questions like what NDVI is, how to use it and why would a farmer require using it at all.

40 years of weather history is now available without registration

40 years of weather history is now available without registration

OpenWeather is proud to announce the weather archive has expanded to 40 years dating back from 1st Jan 1980. The new order form is now available on the ‘Marketplace’ page.

Historical collection | Part 2: Historical weather API

Historical collection | Part 2: Historical weather API

The Historical weather API is designed to provide hourly historical weather data for more than 37k cities with basic parameters: Temperature, Pressure, Humidity, Wind, Precipitation and Clouds.

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